Functional Fitness
Learn more about how Functional Fitness works or
make an appointment for a Free Introductory Session
FXU VIBE is a unique and very diverse exercise studio. The trainers are skilled in both mainstream conventional exercise and functional fitness, all on vibration plates.
FXU VIBE is NZs largest vibration exercise studio with commercial Powerplates and two small portable plates. The combination of these amazing machines and FXU VIBEs knowledgeable and qualified Trainers have seen miraculous and life changing results in many clients.
Functional Fitness is designed for people challenged with their health and mobility. We offer group sessions for the older population helping them to keep moving in a fun but functional way. FXU VIBE provides 1 on 1 sessions to those needing more assistance with rebuilding their health, mobility and wellbeing. This is an area that is growing since FXU VIBE won an award for working with ‘chronic illnesses’ at the 2018 NZ Exercise Industry Awards.
So why FXU VIBE? We say why not FXU VIBE?
15 minutes exercise is attainable for most people.
It’s a safe and supportive environment, not like a gym.
The vibration works on all systems of the body, very medicinal.
You always have a Qualified Trainer present to motivate you
FXU VIBE A Cerebral Palsy Journey
An NZ award winning video. Please ensure you switch to 1080 res to view in settings for the best quality.
FXU VIBE Seniors
Where are is not an excuse!
FXU VIBE Life after a stroke
Christina’s story.
Power Plate® helps Jack overcome Cerebral Palsy
Jack has spastic diplegia cerebral palsy. This is a neurological condition causing “hypertonicity” or stiffness that usually appears in infancy.
“Hopeless case” aneurysm survivor has remarkable recovery
In May 2018 when Priscilla suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage while gardening.
FXU VIBE Priscilla's Journey
The miraculous journey of Priscilla Jones.
A technologically advanced and efficient way to improve patient well being
Power Plate, the worldwide leader of whole body vibration therapy, provides a wide variety of benefits for users of any age and any physical condition. As a non-invasive modality, this technology addresses a broad range of debilitating symptoms and speeds recovery time, for a quick return to normal daily functions. Perfect for those diverse backgrounds and physical conditions, the whole body vibration technology behind Power Plate provides health, recovery and rehabilitation benefits in a safe and effective way leading to improved quality of life.
A better way to treat rehabilitation and chronic pain
Power Plate has demonstrated benefits in patient rehabilitation and in the management of chronic pain. Healthcare professionals, including chiropractors, orthopaedic surgeons, and physical therapists, have reported the following improvements;
Decreased overall and specific pain
Quicker recovery of damaged muscles and tendons
Faster recovery post stroke/CVA
Improved blood circulation and lymphatic return
Accelerated recovery of the tissues post ACL reconstruction
Improved neural plasticity and sensory motor function in spinal cord injury
Reduced pain, improved mood and increased activity levels in patients with fibromyalgia
Fresh technology for rejuvenation
As the ageing population continues to grow in size, the demand for products to improve overall health, quality of life and longevity grows with it. Whole body vibration from Power Plate delivers measurable results the ageing population is looking for. In fact, healthcare professionals have reported benefit in conditions ranging from debilitating chronic illness to simple cosmetic concerns, including:
Improved spinal stability
Improvement in metabolic function
Improved muscular tone and stability
Improved balance and falls prevention
Technology backed by research, proven by science
Our technology has gained acceptance from major medical, rehabilitation, and therapeutic centres around the world because decades of research have gone into the creation of Power Plate products and training procedures.
Here’s how it works:
The vibration technology behind Power Plate enhances motor unit recruitment and synchronisation resulting in increased force production and efficiency of movement. Power Plate creates 25-50 vibrations per second forcing the body’s kinetic chain to respond each time, requiring stabilisation, coordination, strength and endurance.
In response to the vibration stimulus, individuals can produce up to 95% of the voluntary force potential while performing safe and pain free movements. These positive outcomes are made possible by the multi-dimensional stimulation of the body’s natural reflex arc allowing sensory motor functions to be created and developed at a subconscious level.
The vibrations produced by Power Plate trigger neurological responses in muscle, which stimulate sensory receptors to illicit, a “tonic vibration reflex.” When using Power Plate, the recruitment threshold of motor units is lower when compared to the threshold during voluntary muscular contradiction. More importantly, involuntary contractions occur in response to the vibration stimulus. Therefore, patients with limited mobility can benefit just as much as patients who are more agile.
Power Plate creates a level of proprioceptive stimulation complementary to the demand of Earth's gravity without excessive loads being placed on the musculoskeletal system.