Fun Fast Fitness
Learn more about how Fun Fast Fitness works or
make an appointment for a Free Introductory Session
FXU VIBE is a unique and very diverse exercise studio. The trainers are skilled in both mainstream conventional exercise and functional fitness, all on vibration plates.
FXU VIBE is NZs largest vibration exercise studio with commercial Powerplates and two small portable plates. The combination of these amazing machines and FXU VIBEs knowledgeable and qualified Trainers have seen miraculous and life changing results in many clients.
Fun, Fast Fitness
Trainers offer a variety of workout sessions for mainstream populations such as Boxing, HITT, Tabata, Circuits, Weights, and Stretch to name a few. FXU VIBE workouts target all areas of the body and change daily so there’s no room for boredom. Sessions are tailored to accommodate different levels of fitness and alternative options are given if required.
So why FXU VIBE? We say why not FXU VIBE?
15 minutes exercise is attainable for most people.
It’s a safe and supportive environment, not like a gym.
The vibration works on all systems of the body, very medicinal.
You always have a Qualified Trainer present to motivate you
Power plate accelerates your training up to 5.8x
Many traditional exercises can be done on the Power Plate, and the results are magnified. It’s thanks to our proprietary PrecisionWave™ Technology that is engineered precisely to activate the body’s natural reflexive response to vibration. The surface vibrates 25 to 50 times per second (25Hz to 50Hz), resulting in a natural response that works your muscles harder while doing the same exercises.
Power Plate can help you lose weight
Significant weight loss is often reported by those who use Power Plate regularly in conjunction with a healthy, calorie-controlled diet. One of the reasons for this is increased lymphatic flow. Research also shows that when used as part of an active lifestyle, Power Plate may have a significant impact upon the reduction of cellulite and body fat. This may occur due to an increases in metabolism, both during and following exercise.
Increase your strength and flexibility
The Power Plate vibrates up and down, side-to-side, and front-to-back, destabilising the body and promoting the reflexive engagement of soft tissue. Involuntary muscle activity promotes quick, reflexive responses in muscle fibres and an increase in circulation. That means development in whole–body balance, mobility and stability, strength and motor control (muscle memory), in a shorter time frame than with traditional methods.
You'll recover faster
Exercise is stress, and the body needs time to rebuild to positively adapt to training. Massage on a Power Plate stimulates lymphatic flush, eases pain, promotes faster recovery of damaged muscles and tendons, improves joint function, and helps you return stronger–all in only a few minutes a day. And even beyond that, you can exercise using a Power Plate with less chance of strain due to the patented multi–directional vibration. With regular use, you’ll find that you prepare faster, perform better and recover quicker.
Experience a complete workout in just 15 minutes
With whole body vibration training, you get a complete, full-body workout incorporating stretch, balance, core, strength-building and massage, all in only as little as 15 minutes. 15 minutes vibration exercise equates to 1 hour of conventional exercise on the body.